How Can I Make a Difference?

PiN started when my wife and I asked a simple question, “Do we love poor people?” Families helping poor people is central to what PiN is all about. I believe most families want to help homeless people; however, life is busy. Our kids have activities, I have a busy work schedule, and I even need to relax some times. So how can I help the homeless? We often think about the homeless in November and December, but once we get to January and back to the rat race, good intentions get lost.
So how can you become a PiN Partner? You can do this by going online right now. If 2.25% of families in Virginia Beach gave $25 a month, PiN would have 1.2 Million dollars in revenue to help the homeless.
Let me do the math for you: 450,000 people in Virginia Beach the average family in the US are 2.54 people. That means there are about 177,000 families in Virginia Beach. So 2.25% of 177,000 families is 4,000 families, and if those 4,000 families each gave $25 a month that would be 1.2 Million dollars.
Maybe your family could decide to give $25 a month today. That is less than the average family going to one movie at night. PiN would be honored to partner with you to help the homeless, and you will never again sit around thinking you is not helping the homeless.You can start your monthly donation today on our Donation Page.