Survival Essentials
“Carry each other’s burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Galatians 6:2
Weekly Schedule of Services
If you are currently living outside, you may come in for 3 hours during service hours; however, if we reach capacity, we may ask you to limit your stay to 1.5 hours to allow for someone else to come in.
Essential Services 1 – 4 pm
Medical Clinic (by appointment only) 1 – 4 pm
Men’s Recovery Group 4:30 pm
Essential Services 1 – 4 pm
PATH Behavioral Services 1 – 4 pm
Women’s Recovery Group 4:30 pm
Essential Services 1 – 4pm
Medical Clinic (by appointment only) 9 am – 4 pm
Sentara Lab/Vaccinations (1st & 3rd Wed.) 9 am – 4 pm
HIV Screenings 12 – 4 pm
PATH Behavioral Services 1 – 4 pm
Everyone Recovery Group 4:30 pm
Medical Clinic (walk ins) 1 – 4 pm
Essential Services 1 – 4 pm
Bible Study 6:30 pm
No Services
Everyone Recovery Group 9:30 am
Essential Services 11 am – 2 pm
Mount Olive Meal 12:30 – 2:30 pm
Medical Clinic (walk ins) 1:30 pm
Church 4 pm
Every Sunday afternoon, PiN provides a hot meal for those in need, as well as our Pin Church Sunday Worship Service, which begins at 4:00.
The meal time is 12:30 – 2:30 pm. Dining is available inside for those sleeping outdoors.

Dinners held at Mount Olive Baptist Church
310 North Birdneck Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Essential services are provided at PiN Offices
1164 Miller’s Lane Suite A, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Essential Services
Monday – Thursday 1- 4 pm
Saturday 11 am – 2 pm
PiN provides clothing to the homeless of our community. You can donate items in our donation bin located at 1164 Millers Lane, Virginia Beach, VA 23451.
Hygiene Supplies
PiN also furnishes hygiene supplies, such as deodorant, toothpaste and other necessities to the homeless. Hygiene supplies are important for both self-esteem and for preventing bacteria that causes illness.
We offer opportunities to take showers five days out of the week.
Washers & Dryers
Individuals may sign up to wash and dry clothing at PiN Ministry during our regular essential services hours. We can currently support four individuals per day.
Medical and Prescription
PiN works with many local doctors, nurses, and pharmacists to provide basic first-aid as well as preventative medical services as part of the PiN Medical Clinic.
Please visit us on Sundays and add your name to the waiting list, starting at 1:30 pm. Or visit us on Thursdays at 1:00 pm. No appointment is necessary and is set on a first-come, first-serve basis.
With the creation of our newly expanded PiN Medical Clinic, we are now also offering scheduled appointments on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays for various services. See details above in the Schedule.
In early 2022, we are also adding physical therapy and tele-visits to our medical services.

PiN Church
Sundays at 5:30 pm
Mount Olive Baptist Church
310 North Birdneck Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Since 2005, PiN has offered a Biblical worship service specifically designed for the homeless. The first Sunday service had two homeless people in attendance and has continued to grow ever since.
We provide a Biblical worship service every Sunday afternoon. It is important one can come worship in a place they feel comfortable and safe, in order to focus on God without the fear of being judged based on outward appearance.
Bible Study

Come fellowship together as we study God’s Word. This is a safe place to come and learn about God together.
PiN Offices at 1164 Millers Lane, Suite A Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Thursdays 6:30

We have a partnership with many local stylists and barbers, providing haircuts, color, manicures, and more. Feeling better about your appearance can take you far.
Inquire during services for next scheduled haircut day.